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- Whitepaper ‘Assignee names reconciling the irreconcilable’ by Stephen Adams
- Whitepaper ‘Developing the tools for a true global search’ by Stephen Adams
- Whitepaper ‘The lingua franca of IP’ by Stephen Adams
- Whitepaper ‘Unfielded bibliographic data, ancient history or current challenge?’ by Stephen Adams
- Whitepaper The 6 questions to ask your IP data provider
- World IP news: from WIPO and the Philippines
- World IP news: from Korea and Germany
- Trends on the European Unitary patent
- World IP news: from EPO and Canada
- World IP news: from Korea and Taiwan
- Regional patent trends in China
- World IP news: from Thailand and Korea
- Patent publication volume development Singapore
- World IP news: from EPO and Singapore
- Regional analysis Patenting trends in Scandinavia over the past 10 years
- World IP news: from EPO and Taiwan
- World IP news: from the United States and Korea
- The Illusion of Innovation
- World IP news: from EPO and WIPO
- World IP news: from Pakistan and Japan
- World IP news: from the United States and the United Arab Emirates
- World IP news: from EPO and WIPO
- World IP news: from the United States and Australia
- Global Quest for Accuracy
- World IP news: from WIPO and China
- World IP news: from TIPO and INTA
- World IP news: from the United States and Australia
- The Data Dilemma
- World IP news: from WIPO and Japan
- World IP news: from WIPO and Philippines
- World IP news: from EPO and Singapore
- World IP news: from the United States and Taiwan
- Industry highlights Geographical spread on chempharma companies globally
- Apple vs Samsung - current filing volumes compared over the past 5 years
- World IP news: from Japan and Taiwan
- World IP news: from EPO and the United States
- World IP news: from Japan and the Philippines
- World IP news: from United States and China
- Patenting trends in Mexico
- World IP news: from Cambodia and EPO
- Global Top 100 Patent Filers
- World IP news: from UPC and Australia
- World IP news: from EPO and Laos
- World IP news: from WIPO and EPO
- Patent publication volume trends in the United Kingdom
- World IP news: from ESA and TIPO
- World IP news: from Argentina and WIPO
- Global developments: Chinese filers in the US and WIPO
- World IP news: from the UK and ARIPO
- World IP news: from Japan and EPO
- Designated states trends for WIPO over the past 5 years
- World IP news: from China and the UK
- Patenting Trends
- World IP news: from the United States and EPO
- World IP news: from EPO and China
- Navigating the Future of Innovation
- World IP news: from UK and Vietnam
- Volume trends in the Middle East
- World IP news: from WIPO and Ukraine
- Patent family development trends
- World IP news: from Uruguay and the United States
- Design application trends in the Benelux
- World IP news: from EPO and China
- World IP news: from United States and India
- Foreign filing trends in Brazil
- World IP news: from WIPO and EPO
- World IP news: from Australia and China
- Overview of patent trends in the field of AI
- World IP news: from Japan and Korea
- World IP news: from EPO and Taiwan
- World IP news: from WIPO and United States
- World IP news: from WIPO and EPO
- World IP news: from WIPO and China
- World IP news: from EPO and United States
- Foreign applicant developments Germany
- World IP news: from Japan and Saudi Arabia
- World IP news: from Germany and the Philippines
- World IP news: from EPO and United States
- World IP news: from Brazil and United States
- Patenting trends in Saudi Arabia
- World IP news: from Germany and Taiwan
- World IP news: from EPO and the United States
- World IP news: from WIPO and Japan
- World IP news: from EPO and the United States
- World IP news: from Philippines and Canada
- World IP news: from EPO and United States
- Application to grant ratio in China
- World IP news: from WIPO and China
- World IP news: from EPO and Japan
- Patent publication volume development India
- World IP news: from Brazil and Korea
- World IP news: from Japan and China
- Snapshot 2023 global patent volume developments
- World IP news: from EPO and Taiwan
- Patent publication volume analysis in Russia
- World IP news: from France and China
- Patent publication volume development Argentina
- World IP news: from Korea and EPO
- Foreign filers report: Development in the United States
- Patenting trends in Spain
- World IP news: from the United States and EPO
- World IP news: from Japan and Pakistan
- Technology field analysis Korea - 2015-2022
- World IP news: from WIPO and Taiwan
- World IP news: from EPO and Australia
- World IP news: from WIPO and EPO
- World IP news: from Myanmar and Japan
- World IP news: from EPO and South Korea
- World IP news: from Philippines and WIPO
- World IP news: from South Korea and Japan
- Patenting trends in Africa
- World IP news: from WIPO and EPO
- World IP news: from WIPO and the United States
- Foreign filers report: Development in United Kingdom
- Japanese applicant analysis abroad
- See you at the LES USA & Canada, October 15-18, 2023 in Chicago USA
- World IP news: from Europe and the United States
- World IP news: from Japan and Italy
- See you at the CIPAC Annual Conference, September 19-20, 2023 in Jinan, Shandon, China
- World IP news: from Vietnam and South Korea
- Top 5 CPC growth classes over 2017-2022
- World IP news: from ASEAN and New Zealand
- Applicant analysis: Regional differences in China
- World IP news: from Pakistan and Australia
- See you at the Intellectual Property Owners Association annual meeting
- World IP news: from Denmark and Germany
- World IP news: from UK and Japan
- WIPO designated states analysis - development over the past 10 years
- World IP news: from South Korea and Spain
- World IP news: from Slovenia and European Union
- Industry highlights Global perspective on mobile phone technology
- World IP news: from Canada and Qatar
- World IP news: from WIPO and United States
- World IP news: from India and Europe
- World IP news: from Europe and Canada
- World IP news: from Oman and Japan
- World IP news: from Japan
- World IP news: from South Korea and Japan
- World IP news: from Europe and the UK
- World IP news: from Japan and outer space
- World IP news: from the Americas
- World IP news: Vietnam and South Korea
- World IP news: Statistics from WIPO and SAIP
- World IP news: Hungary and Myanmar
- World IP news: IP5 and Japan 2023 Status Report
- Patent publication volume development The Netherlands
- World IP News: Credit Evaluation Patent Agents
- 2022 Patent development China
- EPO Patent Trends 2010-2022
- Monday IPDate April 10, 2023
- Monday IPDate April 3, 2023
- Monday IPDate March 27, 2023
- Monday IPDate March 20, 2023
- Monday IPDate March 13, 2023
- Monday IPDate March 6, 2023
- Monday IPDate February 27, 2023
- Global Developments Chinese Applicants in the US, October 2022
- Monday IPDate February 20, 2023
- Monday IPDate February 13, 2023
- Patent Publication Volume Development Brazil, December 2022
- Monday IPDate February 6, 2023
- Asian Top 100 Patent Filers, December 2022
- Patent Class Analysis 2022 US Patent Filings, December 2022
- Monday IPDate January 23, 2023
- Patent Publication Volume Development Korea, November 2022
- Monday IPDate January 16, 2023
- Patenting Trends in South America, October 2022
- Monday IPDate January 9, 2023
- Patenting Trends in South Africa, November 2022
- Monday IPDate January 2, 2023
- Monday IPDate December 19, 2022
- Monday IPDate December 12, 2022
- Monday IPDate December 5, 2022
- Monday IPDate November 28, 2022
- Monday IPDate November 21, 2022
- Meet us at IP Service World November 21st -22nd!
- Monday IPDate November 14, 2022
- Monday IPDate November 7, 2022
- Patent Examiner Citation: Comparing US vs CN, October 2022
- Monday IPDate October 31, 2022
- Meet us at Tokyo’s Patent Information Fair November 9th - 11th!
- Monday IPDate October 24, 2022
- Application to grant trends: In the US, Europe, Japan and China September 2022
- Monday IPDate October 17, 2022
- Monday IPDate October 10, 2022
- Industry highlights: Geographical spread on chempharma patents August 2022
- Monday IPDate October 3, 2022
- Monday IPDate September 26, 2022
- Regional analysis Province developments China August 2022
- Global Developments: US Filers Abroad July 2022
- Industry highlights: Electrical vehicles vs Hydrogen July 2022
- Patenting Trends in the Middle East June 2022
- Pharmaceutical Patent Filing Trends in Vietnam May 2022
- Analysis of Patenting Trends in Thailand April 2022
- Analysis of Patenting trends in European member states March 2022
- Analysis of Patent Publication volume development in Germany February 2022
- Lighthouse IP Partners with IPDataLab to Deliver High Value Metadata Linking Patent Records to US‐FDA Approved Chemical and Biological Drug Information
- Analysis of Patent Development in China January 2022
- ktMINE Partners with Lighthouse IP to Deliver Global Intellectual Property Data Solutions
- Lighthouse IP releases Diamond file version 2.0